Does It Burn?

Monica O’Connor
1 min readApr 8, 2020


does it burn you the same way?
a simmer deep within my diaphragm
fighting “i miss you” with all i can
manage, i know it’s only temporary —
confusing lust for an imaginary
loneliness, forever fighting to contain.

images seared into my memory
no fire, flood or mind disease could
change, erode thoughts of you and me.

every time i catch my breath
stumble over every step
hanging on the edge of every line
wondering if now you’ve changed
mended the errors of your ways
in hopes your wrongs can more align with mine.

i open with a question,
praying for an answer in which i can
find a silver lining, or reprieve,
anything to justify
persistent thoughts of you and i —
a path I’ll never know, but still I plea

images seared into my memory
nothing fire, flood or mind disease could
change, erode thoughts of you and me.

a scalding pain, i lose my breath just
rolling through the consequences
you won’t face for fear you will see mine.
a glimpse of what we could’ve been
warped in my mind, i can’t pretend
i haven’t lost my days to those daydreams;
at the end of all my days i wonder —
does it burn you the same way?



Monica O’Connor

Mo, 31. Trying to make sense of it all. Twitter: @m_0c Instagram: @m_oc.